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Thanks for scrolling through my site! I'm Ben, a passionate creative that's always after the next big thing. I love music, cocktails, video games, pasta, and my cat Coco. I also love making cool stuff. Let's make cool stuff together!
"Fail Forward" is a mantra that was repeated throughout my career that has stuck with me since. Rather than admitting defeat, I use every failure as a learning opportunity. Every opportunity that comes my way I pursue even if it is outside of my current expertise or comfort zone. By doing so, I've continued to learn more, push my boundaries, and create amazing content.
My break into media started when I was just a teenager trying to make cool things to promote different music projects I was working on. From then I was convinced by a teacher of mine to try out designing for the high school yearbook. I somewhat reluctantly gave it a shot, and ended up doing pretty rough for the first few weeks. However, I loved it. I worked hard with different people and mentors to better understand what good design was, and by the end of the year I was regarded as one of a small group of top designers in the class.
This ultimately lead me to looking into digital media for my undergraduate studies. By the time I graduated high school, I was dabbling in every form of media I could get my hands on, mostly the four that I offer today. Throughout college I jumped back and forth from focusing on design, photography, animation, and video before graduating a semester early in the winter of 2019.
My first professional major-related position was a small graphic design haus and sign studio called Digitalartz. I started working there during my undergrad, and continued working there for some time after graduating.
Eventually, I decided I wanted to dive deeper into a different field of media. I started applying to video production positions in Illinois and the St. Louis area and was offered a position as a creative video producer/editor for Redbird Productions at Illinois State Athletics. Here I felt like I really locked in and grew the most as a professional, as a videographer, and as a person.
After working at ISU Athletics for 2 years, I decided it was time to take a leap. I had a handful of experience in 4 major areas of media, and the desire to create. So, I created Ben Isaacs Media, LLC: a video production company and media haus. After 2 years in business, I have learned more than I can imagine, and have had the blessing of working with some truly awesome people. What started as a half-serious joke turned into a successfully operating business that I continue to pour into and strive for growth.
I love what I do, and I hope you do to.
If you're interested in hearing more about me or my story, let's set up a time to chat. I love meeting new people and hearing their stories as well.
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